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Christ centered teachings in Books & Audio materials to help you grow.

Love Language

We’ve talked about love from the standpoint of it being unconditional, how God loves us without conditions and does not deal with us based on how good or bad we’ve been. If God deals with us this way and we are instructed to walk in love, then we must deal with one another that same way. 

Bible Interpretation

Many times I have observed many arguing on scriptures and I have gotten instruction from observing. Usually the issue is one party is arguing based on what he has read and the other based on what he has studied. Today I want to share with you something that will help your bible study .

Fore Telling and Forth Telling

We have earlier said that there is a difference between fore-telling and forth telling. What is Forth telling? This has to do with the use of the gift of prophecy for your personal edification where you speak the word of God by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit about you and all that concerns you. 

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