
December 16, 2015

The Depths of God’s Love

Memory verse: John 3:16 “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life”

It is very important for us to realize that God loves all of mankind. The nature and character of God is consistently love. What is Love? Whenever we hear the word “love” in contemporary times, we think of what we watch in movies and what we hear in songs however the God kind of love which is the subject of our discuss today, is divine and pure.

There are different words in the Greek language used for love. We have Phileo (love between friends), Eros (Sexual love), Sturges (love you have for your family) and Agape. Agape is a unique description of love because it refers to a love without conditions. When we speak of agape, we are speaking of a kind of love that gives inspite of the character, actions and activities of the person been loved. Agape does not love you because you did great. Agape (God’s love) loves you irrespective of your actions. The love of God is not subject to anything we do. It loves us during our worst times just as much as he loves us during our best times.

Romans 5: 8 “But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us”

It is important for us to have a revelation of the depth of God’s love for the whole world. We often forget that John 3:16 clearly states that God loved the world so He gave Jesus as we many times misread that verse of scripture to mean God so love the church so he gave Jesus. God’s love for the sinners is great. He doesn’t love the saint more than the sinner because the saint was a sinner when he demonstrated His love for all. The saint has just simply responded to God’s love while the sinner hasn’t. A revelation of God’s eternal love for you and for every man is the surest foundation for an effective and successful love walk. The moment you realize how great His love for you is, you become confident, assured and compassionate in everything you do. So realize God loves you unconditionally. His love for you doesn’t increase nor decrease. It is constant and will never fail.

CONFESSION: I declare that I am loved of God; His love for me will never run out. I abound in His love and I flourish in all that He does through and in me. Amen

Further Bible Reading: Leviticus 17, Romans 12

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