
APRIL 21, 2016


Memory Verse: Ephesians 4:1 “ And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers”

There is a difference between the gift of prophecy and the prophetic office. Prophecy is a gift of the Spirit while the office of a prophet is a ministry gift. Every Christian who has the Holy Spirit should prophesy but not every Christian is called to the prophetic office. Now the fact that a man prophesies doesn’t make him a prophet. It is important that as children of God we know what our roles are in the body of Christ and we stick to it. Romans 12:3 “For I say, through the grace given unto me, to every man that is among you, not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think; but to think soberly, according as God hath dealt to every man the measure of faith”

Every believer has a role to play in the body of Christ. There is diversity in the body. There is a reason why the human body was used in 1 Corinthians 12 to describe the placing of the members in the body of Christ. So if we look at the human body, every single part of your body is in its place. For your body to move and function as it’s supposed to function, your hand, legs, eyes etc must be where they are supposed to be. What if the leg wanted to serve as the eye or the stomach wanted to be the brain? You would find that there will be confusion in the body and things will not occur as they ought to; so every member in the body of Christ has a specific role he or she is supposed to play and it is important that the role is recognized and adhered to.

So do not declare yourself a prophet when you are just a believer operating in the gift of prophecy. A prophet is not the same as one who prophecies. A prophet is one who is called into the ministry of the prophetic and has the revelation gifts working frequently and consistently in his life. Never forget that you will only shine and serve a purpose when you stay where God has placed you.

CONFESSION:  I am a member of the body of Christ; I stay where God has placed me. I do not enter into another man’s office. I do not play the role of another. I am faithful to fulfill the call of God upon my life. Amen

Further Bible Reading: Ezekiel 20, Acts 13

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